AFI FEST 2005 film festival
Hollywood, California
:. Duration: November 3-13
:. Venue: ArcLight Theaters
:. Country: USA
:. Edition: 19th
:. Web: AFI FEST 2005
Plume Noire covers the AFI FEST film festival to bring you back exclusive reviews as well as a festival blog (dailies + pictures). This 19th edition of AFI FEST 2005 feature 16 world premieres and 17 north american premieres.
An American Haunting
Based on the Bell Witch case, a true account of a poltergeist dating back to 1817, An American Haunting chronicles the nightmarish experience of a Tennessee family victimized by an evil spirit.
Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock
Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock chronicles what it takes to put together the third biggest city in Nevada, from the organizers to the artists to the volunteers.
While I'm sure cerebral director Michael Haneke was aware that his film would provoke some kind of intellectual controversy, he must also have known that with his latest offering, he was taking the risk to alienate a big part of the audience who would unavoidably misread it.
The Libertine
Johnny Depp gives a ferocious performance in The Libertine, an adaptation of a play that focuses on the last chapter of the life of a notoriously depraved 17th-century poet.
Merry Christmas
Set during World War I, Merry Christmas is based on numerous accounts that French and German enemy forces found peace for a brief moment on the frontlines by fraternizing to celebrate Christmas.
Pelé Forever
For soccer fans and especially those who hold PelĂ© dear to their heart, Pelé Forever is a whirlwind of his most glorious moments on the field, goal after goal after goal.
The Refugee All Stars
The Refugee All Stars shows how artists, in this case musicians from Sierra Leone, keep culture alive and in the process begin to heal their own wounds as they bring moments of joy to their fellow refugee camp inhabitants and plan their return home.
Screaming Masterpiece
From dirges to punk anthems Screaming Masterpiece goes back in time to explain the origins of the current Icelandic music scene.
With Transamerica, director Duncan Tucker has mined the territory in between our pre-conceived notions of failure and success and fashioned a gem of self-realization on the back roads that the marginalized know better than anyone.
Set in a shantytown in the suburbs of Johannesburg, Tsotsi follows a young gangster on a short journey to humanization.