City of Lights City of Angels French film festival
Los Angeles, California
Duration: 04/11 - 04/17
Venue: DGA, 7920 Sunset
Country: USA
Edition: 9th
Web: COL COA 2005
Once again, The City of Lights City of Angels was being held at the Directors Guild on Sunset and Plume Noire was attending the festival to bring you reviews of some the featured films.
Even more so than in previous years, the festival was trying to reflect the "variety" of French cinema, mixing the usual depressing dramas with romantic comedies, French-style blockbusters and a few edgy pieces.
The Light
The Light belongs to the sub-genre of "regional" French dramas, with its unwelcoming inhabitants, little secrets and remote locations.
Men & Women
After seeing Claude Lelouch's Men & Women, a postmodern pudding blending parts 1 and 2 of an unfinished trilogy, I'm not sure that the French filmmaker still has a place in this new cinematic century.
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