Los Angeles Latino film festival
Hollywood, California
:. Duration: October 21-30
:. Country: USA
:. Edition: 9th/2005
:. Venues: Egyptian Theatre
:. Web: LA Latino film festival
Plume Noire was at the 9th Los Angeles International Latino Film Festival in Hollywood to bring you reviews of 10 of the most interesting entries.
If you're in LA, whether or not you're Latino in case you haven't noticed it yet, I'm a euro-gringo who doesn't speak a word of Spanish make sure to catch a film this week; not only will you enjoy watching something other than what's showing at the mega multiplex near you, but you'll also be supporting a great event.
The Citrillo's Turns
Not only is Las Vueltas del Citrillo one of these films that is in a constant state of inebriation, but it also features a gallery of morally & physically disgusting characters.
Concerto Campestre
A fable about a young womanizing maestro set in 19th century Brazil, Henrique de Freitas Lima's Concerto Campestre navigates between romantic comedy and musical film, with a strong dose of social commentary in the background.
Fábio Fabuloso
Fábio Fabuloso is the nickname of Brazilian surfing sensation Fábio Gouveia who gained recognition around the world for his gracious and perfect moves on the waves.
Hormigas en la Boca
While not a political piece aimed at praising the revolution, Hormigas en la Boca offers a caustic portrait of Havana, a city where power and money are in the hands of high-class thugs with no morality.
The Immortal
Fueled with metaphors and a strong dose of mise-en-scene, El Inmortal brings light to the ravages of the Nicaraguan war between the Contras and the Sandinistas, most particularly aiming at exploring its consequences on the family core.
Director Mark Becker first became interested in the groups of immigrant single men living together in San Francisco who arrive to work, leaving their families behind.
Till The Last Drop ... My Love!
Highly talented director Beto Gomez has crafted a visual and musical valentine featuring five diverse female Mexican singers.
The Wandering Shadows
A poetic and cruel fable testing the limits of friendship, Ciro Guerra's La Sombra del Caminante is the poignant debut from a filmmaker whose cinema is in the tradition of the early works of American Indie master Jim Jarmusch with a subtle dose of socio-political commentary in the background.
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