The Cuckoo
A work of a bare beauty, The Cuckoo offers a subtle combination of humanity and humor set against the most absurd background, war.
Freely inspired by the tragedy of Colombine, this relentless fiction directed by Gus Van Sant is a masterpiece of mise-en-scène.
Gus Van Sant, a director anchored in American culture, probably offers his most universal film with Gerry, a naturalist work purged to the extreme where man is only one negligible detail in the scenery that swallows him up.
Long awaited, dreaded, Irreversible cannot leave you indifferent. Ultimate artistic incarnation or gratuitous provocation? Though the film isn't flawless, it is nonetheless one of the most important pictures in years. Criticism not being irreversible, Plume Noire offers two critiques, one for and the other against.
A baroque and surrealist work, Northfork, like its village subjected to doom, is located somewhere between art and the sacred, a cinematographic painting transfigured over a foundation of social criticism.
Russian Ark
Art and history cross and merge openly during this inter-temporal and surrealist guided visit that Aleksandr Sokurov has invited us to attend.
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