Kinky Kong movie review DVD Kinky Kong review



Kinky Kong review

Kinky Kong

:. Director: John Bacchus
:. Starring: Darian Caine, Adolfo Candray
:. Script: John Bacchus
:. Running Time: 1:13
:. Year: 2006
:. Country: USA

With a title like Kinky Kong, we could have expected something juicy, but this King Kong spoof about a skin-flick director going with his cast to a remote island to shoot a movie falls flat.

Mostly featuring girls endlessly dancing without showing any skin and a baboon in diapers lusting after them, I'm still not sure why somebody felt it would be a good idea to greenlight this movie, even though it probably didn't cost more than $5,000.

Why would you want to watch an erotic spoof which isn't funny and doesn't feature any nudity?

  Fred Thom