Woodchipper Massacre review

Woodchipper Massacre review

:. Director: Jon McBride
:. Starring: Kim Bailey, Tom Casiello
:. Script: Jon McBride
:. Running Time: 1:30
:. Year: 2006
:. Country: USA
:. Official Site: Woodchipper Massacre

Another amateur-looking 80's gore film, by modern standards, Woodchipper Massacre focuses on a group of kids who, after killing their grand-mother by accident, find a new source of entertainment by throwing bodies through a woodchipper.

Even though this movie looks as bad and as cheap as Cannibal Campout, from the same video house, Woodchipper Massacre reveals to be far more amusing and imaginative than the latter — I especially liked the shots of birds and nature, following the first use of the woodchipper machine.

I guess self-awareness and a sense of humor is what makes the difference, allowing some cheap productions to be more bearable than others.

  Fred Thom


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