Quick Facts
:: Daily Site Visits: between 6,000 & 8,000*
:: Monthly Site Visits: up to 245,000*
:: Monthly Site Hits: up to 6,637,241*
*average; As of January 2006
Monthly Visits
Site Traffic
Month |
Visits |
Pages |
Hits |
January 2006 |
245,243 |
5,232,752 |
4,682,887 |
January 2005 |
204,187 |
4,999,314 |
5,121,764 |
January 2004 |
143,049 |
3,743,899 |
3,841,094 |
January 2003 |
126,599 |
3,046,613 |
3,108,026 |
January 2002 |
75,204 |
1,886,803 |
1,892,810 |
January 2001 |
28,080 |
459,846 |
468,278 |
Visitors By Country
Visitors By Language
Demographic Profile
Male: 43%
Female: 57%
0-15: 10%
15-25: 47%
25-40: 35%
40+: 8%
Education Level
Master: 18%
Bachelor: 35%
Undergrad.: 25%
School: 14%
Other: 12% |
Working: 44%
Grad. Stud.: 20%
Undergrad. Stud.: 12%
School: 10%
Unemployed: 8%
Retired: 6% |
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