Eklectra EklectraEklectra Eklectra

Eklectra: Eklectra

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Genre: Jazz-Electronica
Year: 2003
Country: Ireland
Official Site: Eklectra
Details: Tracks & Audio
Label: Elusive Recordings
Elusive Recordings' third release foreshadows a bright future for the Irish label, the newest Eklectra, a compilation sampler of smooth, organic, and jazzy electronica. Eklectra's aim is not to appeal soley to electronic intelligentsia, but rather to guide or gently lead the unaccustomed into slighty challenging territory they may not have visited before, according to Elusive. The record presents just that, an immediately likable presentation of electronic music's diversity represented harmoniously in lower tempo rhythms, 20 tracks, 20 different artists.

The intro, "A normal situation" by Jimmy Behan is a gentle and melodic melange of layered organic piano tunes textured into a swirling and jazzy mix of electronic tones that bring the listener further into the beats of the true electronica. Bigger beats and ghostly voices add intrigue in "It's for you" by the Illegal Kids. And further on, soulful bass flares and gets mixed into islander style drums in "wMw" by Psy. This track represents the true highlight of the mix, for the soulful flavors always win.

The beauty of the CD lies in what it does not do: speed itself up into a tiring and repetitive electronic mix that seems to be the theme of oh so many records. Instead, Eklectra deems itself more sophisticated, more mature, and more refined, an exciting start for the premier volume. Its experimentalism brings light and hope to the expanding genre, with it bringing a wider and more diverse listening crew, exactly the aim of this installation. Eklectra spans and surpasses electronica's ambiguous limitations and even brings in turntablism techniques and break beats working in sync with rap lyrics in Formica v MJX's "Bloodrush". At every corner the compilation takes a surprisingly pleasing turn, a change of style that works with the underlying tempos created and delicately maintained throughout.

Check out www.elusiverecordings.com for more information on this up and coming label and Eklectra.

  Courtney Lochner

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