E | F | G
Mr. Gainsbourg being such a myth, you would have expected a major French director to direct a biopic about his life. It is however a newcomer, an award-winning graphic novel artist, who tackles the subject.
Gangs of New York
In West Side Story, the Sharks and the Jets danced a Jerome Robbins rumble; in Gangs of New York, the gangs, the Dead Rabbits and the Natives, smash each other's brains and assorted body parts to bloody bits, entertaining the movie-going public the modern way.
Gus Van Sant, a director anchored in American culture, probably offers his most universal film with Gerry, a naturalist work purged to the extreme where man is only one negligible detail in the scenery that swallows him up.
Ghosts of Mars
It seems that one movie after the other, Carpenter is worn-out, like an old battery, exploiting his favorite themes with less inspiration. The recent Village of the Damned, Escape from LA and Vampires are nothing but pastiches of his early work, giving you the strange feeling he is an over-estimated director.
Ghost World
Ghost World is a remarkably fresh new film armed with razor-sharp sarcastic wit, it leaves you with the feeling that you can't help but feel the urge to tell everyone you know to WATCH THIS FILM.
Ghoul School
Ever wondered how zombies would look in speedos and swim suits? Finally, here's your answer with Ghoul School, another piece of bad amateur cinema filled with 80's imagery.
The Gift
You can safely assume that a film directed by Sam Raimi and written by Billy Bob Thornton will be enjoyably ghoulish and strange. Raimi's latest thriller replaces the snowy north and cold gaze of Bridget Fonda for Cate Blanchett's undeniable warmth in a southern Gothic thriller.
G.I. Joe Sigma 6
Adult fans of "G.I. Joe" toys, cartoons and comics books from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s won't find much to like about the mega-popular brand's latest incarnation, but its new fans will appreciate it.
The Girl from Paris
The original title, Une Hirondelle a fait le Printemps (One Swallow Brought Spring) perfectly describes The Girl From Paris, a work of subtlety and self-restraint about a young woman bringing some happiness and youth to a grumpy old man at the end of his life.
The Girl On The Bridge
The Girl on the Bridge, directed by Patrice Leconte, is a moving, visually stunning meditative work on solitude, fortune, and salvation. The film blazes a trail through Paris, Italy, Monaco, and Istanbul, adding contortionists, Greeks, and more circus performers on the way. Vanessa Paradis and Daniel Auteuil star in this French black and white caravan adventure through Europe.
Majestic and psychological, Gladiator marks the return of a director and a genre to the big screen. By breathing new life to a deposed genre, he is able to revive the flame of his fiery debut and at the same time create a new movie hero onscreen: a gladiator, and in the flesh: Russell Crowe.
Glass, Necktie
Unfolding slowly and meticulously, writer-director Paul Bojack's first feature film wraps the unaware charactersand spectatorsin a web of complex relationships where loyalty proves to be more crucial than fidelity.
Go Further
Rather than just portraying the problem and offering no solution, in Go Further, director Ron Mann chronicles Woody Harrelson's consciousness-raising tour about sustainable living on a hemp fueled bus, offering viable solutions that can help make the world a little better.
Gogol Bordello Non-Stop
Rough around the edges and highly emblematic of theatrical gypsy punk vision of founder and lead singer Eugene Hutz, director Maragarita Jimeno's documentary Gogol Bordello Non-Stopchronicles the band's early years and covers their 2006 European tour.
What differentiates Gomorra from other works however in the Mobster sub-genre is that it emphasizes the involvement of kids in the Mafia.
Good bye Lenin!
Director Wolfgang Becker shows Berlin Wall-era life as a home movie, not simply as part of the movie weâ.re seeing.
The Good Voice
Had I listened to the little voice in my head I would have left the theater in the middle of this muddy melodrama from Spain.
Goya In Bordeaux
Carlos Saura's (Tango, Ay Carmela, Blood Wedding) latest endeavor brings the life and art of whom Andre Malraux considered the world's first modern painter onto the screen: Francisco de Goya (1746-1828). Saura's eye for art and humanity (as well as celebrating his love of Spanish arts) brings the full emotional force of Goya's passion and witness to war and history onto the screen.
Gosford Park
Robert Altman runs a tight ship. Apparently, the staff of Gosford
Park takes after him. After the embarrassingly bad Dr. T and the
Women and the less disappointing Cookie's Fortune, Altman finally
finds a method of reigning in his patented first half hour of meandering
chaos and the slow piecing-together that follows: Shove it in a crowded
house and refuse to let anyone out.
Freud himself would have given up deciphering Gozu, a narrative mix where a yakuza, at his life's end, starts to exterminate chihuahuas, convinced that the poor animals have fomented the destruction of his fellow human beings.
The women of war ravaged Sarajevo struggle to survive with the loss of friends and family and no income.
The Guard
While you might not be familiar with writer/director John Michael McDonagh as The Guard is his first directional effort, the fact that he is the brother of Martin McDonagh whose flamboyant debut was the viciously funny In Bruges should give you an idea of what to expect.