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Habana Eva
If you ever flipped through your TV channels and watched some telenovela for fun, for a few minutes, this would give you an idea of how Habana Eva looks like.
More than a modern, urban update on the classic, Hamlet is hi-tech, post-postmodern, and independent. Itâ.s no small feat to mesh ultra modern with one of the English languageâ.s most revered plays, but Almereyda succeeds.
Too much has happened in the last ten years to take Hannibal seriously. Nonetheless, despite gorey scenes that border on ridiculous, in Scott's hands the film is visually stunning and difficult not to admire.
Ah, that wacky Todd Solondz again takes us to his sacred New Jersey to visit another lovable family and has again pushed the envelope a bit further. Who would have thought that a movie about such wretchedly lonely people could be so compelling?
There's a way that the comedy Happy-Go-Lucky is about nothing.
The Haunting
Dreamworks and Steven Spielberg have once again shown their best profile. This new production made in Dreamworks not only never provide any expected thrills but instead some unintentional laughs. With Catherine Zeta-Jones, Liam Neeson, Lily Taylor and directed by Jan de Bont.
Heading South
French director Laurent Cantet leaves the cold boundaries of French society to head south, in the company of a group of middle-aged women looking for pleasure in the arms of young Haitian men.
From Priceless to The Girl from Monaco and now Heartbreaker, the French Riviera more particularly Monaco, Nice and Cannes and its wealthy players seems to an inexhaustible source for romantic comedies and dramas.
Hell Ride
The one thing I learned while watching Hell Ride is that having the right connections in Hollywood makes anything possible.
In Hero, Yimou Zhang's Chinese blockbuster, invincible and noble warriors defy the laws of weightlessness, squaring off on the glossy surface of a lake, fending off thousands of arrows, always moving with grace and precision like sharp pieces of a belligerent choreography.
While I'm sure cerebral director Michael Haneke was aware that his film would provoke some kind of intellectual controversy, he must also have known that with his latest offering, he was taking the risk to alienate a big part of the audience who would unavoidably misread it.
Highlander: Endgame
Highlander: Endgame is a strange hybrid. The film is mainly a spin-off of the Highlander TV series that are themselves a spin-off of the Highlander movies. If this new installment of the franchise aims to satisfy the followers of these immortals, it is also undoubtedly a way to resurrect the interest in the series and an official transition from Christopher Lambert (from the big screen) to Adrian Paul (from the small screen). The result is a big budget extension of a TV show episode or a low-budget B-movie.
High Tension
When you think about French cinema, gore films don't
exactly come to mind.
Dana Brown's surfing documentary quickly sinks into affable Orange County mediocrity.
Hijacking Catastrophe
If you've seen Fahrenheit 911, this film goes deeper and offers more proof in the form of documentation and interviews with those who have a bird's eye view of policy in action.
Hollow Man
Paul Verhoeven (Basic Instinct, Showgirls, Robocop, Starship Troopers) is one of Hollywood's bad seeds. Alone or with his cohort screen writer Joe Eszterahas, he has always played as the antithesis of Hollywood through his provocative, even deviant, big budget B movies. His take on the subject of invisibility accompanied by great special effects was a good omen. Nevertheless, the illusion would be short-lived.
Hollywood Ending
With a title like Hollywood Ending, you might expect a caustic satire from the New York-based director. Instead, Woody Allen's latest work proves to be a charming but futile exercise that always remains on the surface.
In the tradition of B-movie drive-in subculture cinema, Homecoming, is a darkly giddy little romp of a film that in many ways works on such a level, even despite its rather run-of-the-mill story and direction.
Hormigas en la Boca
While not a political piece aimed at praising the revolution, Hormigas en la Boca offers a caustic portrait of Havana, a city where power and money are in the hands of high-class thugs with no morality.
The Host
By the time The Host hits a screen near you, you may have already heard and read everywhere how great this new entry from South Korean director Joon-ho Bong.
The Hottest State
The Hottest State chronicles the emotional journey of a young actor struggling with his first love in the city of New York.
The Housemaid
By offering a look into the cruel world of the haute bourgeoisie, The Housemaid exalts a poisonous atmosphere, almost agonizing, which is enhanced by expert directing, but is perhaps a little too aesthetic.
How Harry Became a Tree
After a few years in the city (an immigrants' New York in Someone Else's America and a Belgrade on the verge of exploding in Cabaret Balkan), Serbian director Goran Paskaljevic journeys to the Irish countryside to explore themes prevalent everywhere: hatred and revenge.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
To see a total abomination on the screen is actually a rare thing. Jim Carrey stars as The Grinch, a grouch whose heart is two sizes too small. Disgusted with Christmas time cheer, he sneaks into Whoville disguised as Santa Claus to steal all the presents.
How to Draw a Bunny
Ray Johnson, the most famous unknown artist in the U.S., is at the center of this documentary that draws a portrait of an enigmatic figure whose ultimate performance piece was "staging" his own death.
Human Nature
An adaptation of Charlie Kaufman's script produced by Spike Jonze, the duo behind Being John Malkovich, Human Nature could only mean an odd hurlyburly film. Only halfway successful since director Michel Gondry makes a hirsute comedy led by a solid cast that nonetheless loses its breath over the length of the film.
Deeply moving, experimental and almost dialogue-free, Hunger chronicles IRA detainees who tried to win political prisoner status in 1981 through a no wash protest and hunger strike.
Hunting and Gathering
Another overly Americanized French romantic comedy that, fortunately, is saved by good performances and a sarcastic script.
Hurlyburly is one of those talkative films deseperately trying to show how degrading and decadent Hollywood is.
Hypnotized and Hysterical (Hair Dresser Wanted)
Yet another portrayal of three confused young women is the first full-length film from director Claude Duty. Not exactly a film to linger on the spectators' mind, it still is great entertainment.