O | Pa - Pe | Pi - Pz
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Coen Brothersâ. latest effort is one hell of a joyride down bumpy and dusty rural Mississippi roads in the 1930â.s. You canâ.t go wrong with George Clooney and John Turturro as your guides.
Of love and Other Demons
For the first 30mn, Of Love and Other Demons seems to be headed in the right direction, with the promise to confronting several taboos such as religious hypocrisy, underage sex and exorcisms.
Off the Map
For his second film behind the camera actor/director Campbell Scott invites the audience to a strange universe where emotion rhymes with poetry and dream.
Ocean's 11
At its finest hour, Hollywood was the uncontested ambassador of glamour and charm. Then the budgets exploded, the explosions invaded the screen, and the capital of world cinema was transformed into a box office laboratory where quality was abandoned for aseptic, vulgar and pre-masticated products. With Ocean's 11, Steven Soderbergh resuscitates the glory days of Hollywood by putting together a star studded cast at the service of elegant entertainment.
Like in most Latin American countries, beliefs have an important place in the Peruvian culture. This is in October, during times of high religious fervency, that Octubre takes place.
Of Gods and Men
Filmmaker Xavier Beauvois uses context in the service of his argument, favoring a gray-tinted photography, filming a bright and sunny country such as Algeria as he would film a world in ashes, victim of obscurantism.
Old Boy
Park Chan-Wook, a prominent director of Korean cinema's new wave, adapts a comic strip written by Tsuchiya Garon and Minegishi Nobuaaki, a "Mah-jong Manga" specialist. From a project, placed under unfavorable auspices, a genuine cult film is born.
Old, New, Borrowed and Blue
In Old, New, Borrowed and Blue director Natasha Arthy begins the film with a signed certificate of authenticity from the Dogma school.
Once upon a time in Anatolia
Have you ever wondered how a Turkish thriller would look like? Well, at least we now know that under Nuri Bilge Ceylan's helm, it turns into a dark and little masterpiece.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
For the third installment of his Mariachi trilogy, Robert Rodriguez has made a western with postmodern accents where the art of cinephile citation is practiced as much as that of the trigger.
One Hour Photo
One word best describes Mark Romanek's directorial film debut One Hour Phototense. With an electric performance by Robin Williams, it's impossible to not feel the intensity emitted by his performance and Romanek's directing.
Set in Thailand, Ong Bak follows the journey of a monk with spectacular martial art skills who must reclaim the head of a Buddha statue which was stolen from his village.
On Tour
For his fourth directorial venture, actor/director Mathieu Amalric immerses himself in the milieu of the New Burlesque.
Only God Knows
it's clear that Only God Knows is too sharp not to reserve us something else other than just another variation on the theme of sex on wheels in Mexico.
Only Human
A fast-paced, over the top screwball comedy that works because it deals with issues that American comedy can't possibly tackle.
Open your Eyes
"Open your eyes, open your eyes" the alarm clock of the main character repeats tirelessly in the opening scene, like a programmed warning launched to the spectator who must be receptive and weary of what follows. This the main trump card of Open Your Eyes by Spaniard Alejandro AmenĂ bar, who spends his time playing with the logic of the audience, intermingling real or dreamed scenes, mixing up possible leads and by extension our spirits.
Orchestra Seats
For his second film behind the camera actor/director Campbell Scott invites the audience to a strange universe where emotion rhymes with poetry and dream.
Built around 4 vignettes featuring a series of characters heading for various destinations, Orly aims at making you experience the airport life, which often consists in banal discussions and anonymous encounters.
OSS 117
Making fun of Bond and spy films is nothing new, but this comedy takes a more subtle and incisive direction, with a strong dose of social and political commentary in the background.
OSS 117 Lost in Rio
The second entry in the OSS 117 comedy series, OSS 117 Lost in Rio jumps from 50's Cairo to 60's Rio to give us another biting satire, this time taking on the peace and love movement as well a country that used to be a Nazi haven.
The Other Conquest
Director Salvador Carrascoâ.s first film has embarked on the North American continent. It is an ambitious film whose greatest failing is that is falls short of being a truly epic picture.
The Others
After Thesis and Open Your Eyes, Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar is back with The Others, another ghost movie starring Nicole Kidman. High technical control and beauty for a film that will terrify the audience.
A yakuza film without severed fingers and explosions of violence is not a yakuza film. Luckily, Takeshi Kitano's Outrage contains all these elements and more.
Overnight is unique in its genre as it's at the same time a documentary that morphs into a real-life comedy, drama, a how-not-to-guide for debutant filmmakers and a tale of revenge.