H | I - K | L
Last Days
Icon or cliché? Kurt Cobain or not? Gus Van Sant takes on the myth of Kurt Cobain.
The Last Mistress
In a filmography which mostly focuses on a full-frontal approach to the sexuality of modern women, this rather classic adaptation of a novel set in 19th century France might at first somewhat shock Catherine Breillat's followers.
The Last Samurai
The Last Samurai is old style Hollywood, bringing us back to the 60's, when action films could have panache and a soul, even if their melodramatic tones would make you smile.
L'Auberge Espagnole
L'Auberge Espagnole has tried too hard to do the fashionable thing and has fairly squandered the opportunity to properly scrutinise a fascinating strata of transient European life
La Vie en Rose
Marion Cotillard's performance is the essence of this film. A successful work by director Olivier Dahan on the life of legendary French singer Edith Piaf.
Le Havre
After having giving us an intimate look at Helsinki, through a series of films, Finish filmmaker Aki Kaurismaki now wanders in the streets of French town Le Havre.
The latest opus from the Moll- Merchant duo (and a vague remake of Lost Highway), Lemming is a French film that would desperately like to be something else. Anything but French.
Trapero's film, served by sophisticated but never flashy cinematography and an extremely precise sense of the frame, knows how to play the discretion of the objective observer who nevertheless feels tenderness for his characters.
The Libertine
Johnny Depp gives a ferocious performance in The Libertine, an adaptation of a play that focuses on the last chapter of the life of a notoriously depraved 17th-century poet.
Life is a Miracle
What's miraculous about Emir Kusturica's cinema is his immense savoir-faire; what's disastrous are his doubtful ideological intentions.
Life is Beautiful
Just when you lose hope of ever having a movie emotionally affect you, faith is restored by the Italians, who hooked me with the poetry of Il Postino a few years back.
The Light
The Light belongs to the sub-genre of "regional" French dramas, with its unwelcoming inhabitants, little secrets and remote locations.
Little Voice
If you were expecting the metamorphosis of a mousy girl with a knack for imitating singers to a beautiful siren, rest assured you will leave the theater disappointed. Very disappointed and sullen even, all due to director Mark Herman's poor control and shameless overacting reminiscent of Jim Carrey as Ace Ventura.
Live Forever
Unofficially filling the gap between 24 Hour Party People's exciting Madchester retrospective and today's musical vacuum, Live Forever offers a documentary look at Britpop in the 90's focusing on the influence of major emblematic bands such as Oasis (hence the title), Blur and Pulp.
The Lives of Others
What makes The Lives of Others such an appealing work is that it manages to convey a message intelligently, without being to pretentious about it.
Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels
Sold under the moniker "The #1 Film in Great Britain", this high caliber comedy unfortunately turns out shooting blanks. Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels is nothing but a failed hybrid of Trainspotting & Pulp Fiction, or even Jackie Brown.
Look Both Ways
A loving tribute to the grandfather of Chicano music, the made for TV documentary Lalo Guerrero: The Original Chicano honors the man whose career spanned over 7 decades.
Looking for Eric
Ken Loach films are always highly anticipated and knowing that one of the most mythical figures of English soccer plays his own role makes it even more intriguing.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
With The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson achieves what no filmmaker of the genre has been able to accomplish since Star Wars: create a saga that captures the imagination of the audience and keeps them in suspense.
Lost In La Mancha
Lost in La Mancha, a documentary about a film that never was, inspires disappointment because for all its strengths, it'll always end the same: with the realization that we'll never get to really experience Terry Gilliam's intriguing Don Quixote vision.
Lost in Translation
After her revelation in the beautiful Virgin Suicides, Sophia continues her "character study" with Lost in Translation, a light comedy, almost weightless, imprinted with autobiographical perfume.
Love Crime
The last film from the late Alain Corneau (Tous les matins du monde, Fort Saganne) had been designed to fulfill one of his obsessions, the making of a perfect crime.
Love Liza
In Love Liza, a film infused with the intense darkness of an espresso shot, Philip Seymour Hoffman pulsates in the role of Wilson Joel, a Web designer who can't get over the death of his wife and read her suicide note. The film follows his journey into self-destruction, softened with welcome touches of humor.
Love Me If You Dare
Cap ou pas cap? Audiences game enough for Love Me If You Dare will not be disappointed.
Love Thy Father
Gérard Depardieu's life is strangely echoed in Love Thy Father, a heavy work about the tumultuous relationship between a writer and his son.
Lovely & Amazing
At first glance the women in this film seem neither lovely nor amazing. Needy whackjobs might sounds more apropos. Though the film doesn't delve into the great mysteries of womankind, it does some scratching below the surface. Once there we find something else altogether.