Nymph Geek Pop Star


Geek Pop Star

:. Genre: Electronic
:. Year: 2007
:. Country: USA
:. Label: Made Records
:. Official Site: Nymph

When I saw that cheap-looking cover as well as the title of Nymph's CD I thought I would hate it. I was expecting some poppy teen music, but what I discovered instead was an interesting mix of electronica, rock, trip-hop, hip-hop, jazz & jungle.

While the whole piece has a definitive radio-friendly feel, Nymphs delivers a series of catchy tunes which benefit from great arrangements and an excellent production.

While music and voice do an honest job, the other issue here — besides the cover — is the cheesiness of the lyrics, which weakens the songs and makes them feel lighter than what the varied and sophisticated production would suggest.

From the strong opener "Betterfly", which associates dance rhythms to a saturated bass, to more peaceful moments such as "Just a Dream", Geek Pop Star, faults aside, remains quite a pleasant experience in the end.

  Fred Thom


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