Sylver Nighttime Calls Sylver Nighttime Calls review



Sylver Nighttime Calls


Nighttime Calls

:. Genre: Electronic
:. Year: 2006
:. Country: USA
:. Label: Umvd
:. Official Site: Sylver

As I was listening to Slyver's Nightime Calls, a question came to my mind as to whether or not dance aficionados are dumb. I'm asking because most of the dance CD's I've been getting usually feature the cheesiest pictures and idiotic lyrics — maybe it's actually a smart move as the average ecstasy-fueled brain will more easily remember titles such as "Love is an Angel" & "Where Did the Love Go?".

I must admit I couldn't help laughing listening to Sylver's lyrics and, even though I usually tolerate the lack of ingenious lyrics in that type of music as long as the beats are good and the production is sophisticated, the issue here is that not only does it sound like every trance duet you've ever heard, but the arrangements are so basic that most songs sound like they were penned and recorded in an hour. There is a Madonna attempt with "Who Am I" — they even forgot the question mark at the end of the title!

Before you start sending me injurious e-mails, I've spent quite some time on dance floors and am actually into electronic music, but despite its catchy hooks, Nighttime Calls is the kind of CDs that fills the bins of your local 99c store.

  Ed Dantes


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