11'09''01 September 11
"Eleven filmmakers, eleven looks implicating their individual conscience"... Such is the epigraph of this collective film about the tragic events that occurred a year ago in New York and changed the face of a world, already disturbed, forever.
American Psycho
Adapting American Psycho to the big screen was a perilous task, almost impossible, as Bret Easton Ellis's novel is harsh in its detailed, even surgical representation of violence and sex. Director Mary Harron, however, (I Shot Andy Warhol) carries it out with success, preserving the essence of story while visually toning it down.
Battle Royale
Fukasaku's new movie, Battle Royale, is a ferocious and joyous Japanese Ten Little Indians, that turns into a slaughter game. With Takeshi Kitano in a custom-made sadistic and violent role.
Bowling for Columbine
Warning, Hot! The cantor of anti-globalization, author of the corrosive The Big One, returns full force with this documentary about gun control in the U.S.
Embodiment of Evil
Embodiment of Evil is the latest entry in the infamous Coffin Joe series.
Ah, that wacky Todd Solondz again takes us to his sacred New Jersey to visit another lovable family and has again pushed the envelope a bit further. Who would have thought that a movie about such wretchedly lonely people could be so compelling?
I Stand Alone
Gaspar Noé's first film, I Stand Alone, is a provocative exploration of hatred that chews on the audience's guts, confronting them with a bare incarnation of the word Abject.
I Will Walk Like A Crazy Horse
The release of Fernando Arrabal's second film, I Will Walk Like A Crazy Horse, was accompanied by a scent of scandal from permissive Europe to puritan America.
In a Glass Cage
Haunted by sado-masochism and homoerotica, In A Glass Cage shows the transmission of evil, from the torturer to the victim, as an irremediable rite of passage close to vampirism.
In My Skin
With this story of a self-mutilating woman filmed with crudeness, Marina de Van signs a true but flawed personal oeuvre.
Long awaited, dreaded, Irreversible cannot leave you indifferent. Ultimate artistic incarnation or gratuitous provocation? Though the film isn't flawless, it is nonetheless one of the most important pictures in years. Criticism not being irreversible, Plume Noire offers two critiques, one for and the other against.
Ken Park
We all know that the white-bread cookie-cutter suburban lifestyle has its own dirty secrets, but when his camera explores the limits of this seemingly serene and ubiquitous American lifestyle, Larry Clark gives us a horrifying yet touching glimpse of what happens behind finely paved driveways and cute lawns.
The Piano Teacher
Never has perversion been so shockingly real without going for cheap thrills or voyeurism. In this tale of painful love and frustration, Isabelle Huppert plays Erika, a loveless piano teacher who escapes her oppressive mom (Annie Girardot) and working routine by frequenting peepshows. When a student, Walter (Benoït Magimel), unexpectedly falls for her, she finally finds a way to materialize her ultimate fantasies.
Watching the cursed work of Pier Paolo Pasolini in 2002 raises questions: What has this mythical film preserved of its sulfurous aura, of its relentless necessity, nearly thirty years later?
For his first time behind the camera, Eiji Okuda, chooses a difficult and embarrassing subject which he treatsand this is the strength of his filmwith reserve and elegance.
Teeth is a mish-mash of genre monikers, from female empowerment movie to coming-of-age saga to black comedy-horror to rape & revenge drama to Lynchian suburban melodrama.
Visitor Q
This small-scale film by Miike is reminiscent of Pasolini's masterpiece Teorema. In Visitor Q, the "disruptive" stranger provokes emotional liberation and the redefinition of the dysfunctional family unit.
Viva la Muerte
Based on his autobiography Baal Babylon, Viva La Muerte is the first film directed by Fernando Arrabal, an iconoclastic and controversial multi-disciplinary artist considered a genius.
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