Sergio Leone gave his stamp of nobility to the spaghetti western, and Django, undoubtedly the pillar of the genre, defined the rules of a movement that ended up being the golden years of European B cinema of the 1970's.
Django 2: Django Strikes Again
In Django Strikes Again, the only official sequel of Corbucci's famous film, Franco Nero returns as Django who, now a sign of the times, resembles a cross between Keoma and Rambo more than the original Django. Shot entirely in Colombia and inspired by various genres, the result is a rather strange mixture, a sort of bad B-movie somewhere between a western, war and art house film.
Made in 1976, Keoma is a lyrical and atypical western equipped with surrealist mysticism.
The Great Silence
While Sergio Corbucci defines the spaghetti western as antithesis of the American western with Django, with The Great Silence he offers the definitive, and also the most extreme, embodiment of the genre.
Sukiyaki Western Django
Sukiyaki Western Django is a remake of sorts of Leone's A Fistful of Dollars, which in turn was a remake of Kurosawa's Yojimbo.
A Bullet for the General
Directed by Damiano Damiani in 1966, A Bullet for the General is one of the first political westerns and is undoubtedly the best achievement of its genre.
Companeros, the third chapter of Corbucci's trilogy, is an epic parody with
strong political connotations that launched a wave of engaging westerns.
Fistful of Lead
A Fistful of Lead belongs to the Sartana series, a Santana for the poor so to speak, whose black clad hero forces his way to his enemies thanks to a succession of more or less inventive tricks.
Four of the Apocalypse
With its unhealthy atmosphere and its penchant for gratuitous violence and sadism, Four of the Apocalypse belongs more to 1970's horror cinema than to the western.
Directed by Anthony Dawson, better known as Antonio Margheriti for his horror films, Vengeance asserts a certain originality by belonging to the gothic western sub-genre.
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