O | Pa - Pe | Pi - Pz
Panic Room
In Panic Room, a Home Alone for grown-ups, director David Fincher tries to make us experience fear through the eyes of a mom whose home has been invaded.
Paraiso For Sale
It's no secret that Panama has, for more than a decade, become a haven for American and Canadian middle-class retirees, as not only prime - beachfront - real estate used to be dirt cheap but the locals speak a decent enough English to make for a quite smooth cultural transition and adaptation.
The problem, if you're familiar with French cinema, is that you've seen these kinds of Parisian characters a million times, which turns this film into a clichéd social commentary piece.
Paris Je T'aime
An ambitious but rather unfortunately uneven selection of shorts featuring the City of Lights.
Particles of Truth
With Particles of Truth, Jennifer Elster has crafted a compelling and vivid story about insecurity, art, addiction, pride and the potential for love in New York City.
The Passion of the Christ
While this film is obviously a labor of love and devotion, that doesn't necessarily, ensure an excellent film when typical Hollywood-action-movie elements and special effects abound.
The Patriot
Braveheart meets Independance Day in The Patriot, a time piece about the American Revolution.
Pay It Forward
Pay it Forward is a utopian film. It argues for a better world and brings a glimmer of hope that seems to respond to the pessimism of American Beauty.
Pearl Harbor
As is annually customary, Hollywood launches the American box office conquest by playing the patriotic card of a great nation in peril.
The Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm is perfectly mediocre. Old Man and the Sea is one thing, but Based on a True Story is quite another altogether.
Adapted from Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel, Persepolis is a personal history everyone can relate to, told with a knowing mix of humor and nostalgia.